You walked out that door For the last time With tears running down your face like diamonds And I stood there in a blind rage Not daring to admit I was wrong But I was I never should have let you leave But I didn’t know your stricken face would be my last memory I didn’t know I would never get to say what was on my mind To tell you I’m sorry To tell you I love you And now that’s all I have Memories And the pain, knowing I let you die I let you walk out that door in pain I hurt the one I love Now I walk alone I am alone Filled with regret, and anger at myself And your face runs through my mind like a movie I am doomed to recreate every night I wish I had stopped you Told you I loved you Held you close Instead of turning my back and letting you go Now I can never let go And I don’t want to let you leave me again My fallen angel Before you took your last breath I want you to know I whispered my love And said goodbye Maybe when I see you again you’ll forgive me I can only hope